イケメンP1i (笑)
だって、イケメンなんですものw 今見ても格好良いですね。フルタッチに食傷気味なのも確か。しばし癒してもらいます。
HOW TO push email on p1i:
if u have newest update on your P1i, use the first program in this link:
http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/support/softwaredownloads/detailed/exchangeactivesync/p1i?cc=gb&lc=endownload the program, save it on the memory stick of your p1i (by BT, wifi, usb etc.), istall the program and start it.
use the following parameters in the program:
user/name: your google mail adress WITHOUT gmail.com
passwort: your gmail passwort
servername: m.google.com
domain: gmail.commaybe you have to put the button "test"
activate push and fill in your prefereces (calender, contacts.)
start sync!
first sync needs much longer time than the following ones.have fun!