- Clockwork Mod Recovery (FULL WIPE REQUIRED For GBX-v7.0... Next Updates can be flashed without a Wipe)
- MAGLDR 1.13
1. Boot into MAGLDR (Power On and HOLD the Power Button till MAGLDR options are shown)
2. Boot into AD SD or AD Recovery to enter CWM Recovery Mode
3. If coming from another ROM, do a Nandroid Backup (just to be sure)
4. Wipe data
5. Wipe cache
6. Wipe Dalvik Cache
7. Go to mounts and storage and mount sdcard
8. Copy the ZIP you downloaded to your sdcard and unmount
9. Select install zip from sdcard
10. Find the HyperDroidGingerbread.zip and install
11. Reboot and remove Phone from USB
12. After initial setup, reboot to get everything settled
13. Enjoy the Clean, Fast, Minimalist Gingerbread HyperDroid Goodness!
- 上記に加えてdpiの変更→/system/build.prop で「ro.sf.lcd_density = 167」という行があるので、167を200に変更して保存
ローガン対策なんです orz